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Fri, Dec 13, 2024

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From Iraq with Hip Hop  (Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...))

CAITLAH and the State Dept. are proud to present "From Iraq with Hip Hop," a unique cross-cultural hip hop experience. Featuring b-boys from across Iraq, called the First Step Crew, the event showcases the ways Iraqi youth engage with hip hop culture.

In addition to a performance by the Crew, the event will also feature a brief show by the MSU Breakdance team, and a panel discussion.

The event is free & part of an East Coast tour with stops in NYC, Philadelphia, Washington DC, and Detroit.

more information...

Location: Erickson Kiva
Price: free
Sponsor: CAITLAH
Contact: Emily Dallaire
email pic
phone pic (810) 569-3980