Wednesday, December 4, 2013

12:00pm to 1:00pm
The Declining Provider: Refusal, Responsibility, and Reasonableness
(Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)
Join us for a lecture from Deborah Fisch, J.D., on Wednesday, December 4, 2013 from noon till 1 pm in person or online. The lecture will take place in East Fee Hall in Room C102 (the Patenge Room), and can be accessed live at
Deborah Fisch, J.D., is affiliated with the University of Michigan Program for Sexual Rights and Reproductive Justice, the Human Rights in Childbirth Legal Defense Network, and Legal Advocates for Birth Options and Rights (LABOR). Her professional interests include the role of malpractice liability in determination of standard of care; the legal maternal-fetal relationship in pregnancy, labor and childbirth; regulation of out-of-hospital birth attendants and protocols for their interaction with in-hospital providers; and evolving access to maternity care under the ACA. She actively advocates for licensure of Certified Professional Midwives in Michigan. She earned her AB in Linguistics from the University of Michigan and her JD from Wayne State University Law School. more information...