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Today is:
Sat, Dec 7, 2024

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Faculty Seminars in Research & Instructional Technology  (Training)

Faculty Seminars are two days of short courses designed to support faculty, academic staff, and graduate assistants in their teaching and research roles by providing seminars for online learning and instruction in the use of a variety of software tools. All sessions are held at MSU in various technology classrooms and computer labs across campus.

We are offering over 30 half-day and full-day courses in face-to-face settings. You can choose from one to four classes of the two day period, with a free lunch each day in the Union Ballroom. All courses are offered free to faculty and academic staff.

The full schedule, expanded course descriptions, and enrollment information is posted at:

The Desire2Learn courses will all be taught using the new 10.2 version of the software (we are upgrading to 10.2 in late December). We again are offering the popular Fundamentals of Blended Learning for faculty who will be teaching blended or online courses. We also have a new iClickers course that will cover the new integration with Desire2Learn for easy gradebook management. We are also offering sessions on Python, MATLAB, an Introduction to HPCC, Photoshop, LON CAPA, an Introduction to GIS, SciVal, Turnitin, Zotero, Camtasia, Adobe Presenter, Dreamweaver, and others, so please be sure to check the website.

Enrollment deadline: December 13, 2013.

more information...

Location: MSU Main Campus Building
Price: No Charge
Sponsor: public
Contact: Katherine Ball
email pic
phone pic (517) 353-3295