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Little Rock Central: 50 Years Later  (Movie / Film)

In 1957, Little Rock Central High School became a symbol of the struggles and hopes of the Civil Rights Movement. Nine African-American students were prevented from entering the building by an angry mob of whites outside the school. After 50 years, it is a stark reminder of the steps that still need to be made toward equality. The HBO Documentary Film, Little Rock Central High: 50 Years Later, is an eye-opening look at racial equality, education, and class at the landmark high school today, where educational equality remains elusive. Filmmakers Brent and Craig Renaud began filming as the school and the nation prepared for the 50th Anniversary of the famous Integration Crisis 1957. The film follows present day Central High students and faculty both in and out of school, along with community leaders and one of the original "Little Rock Nine," who reflects on how much -- and how little -- has changed since she courageously crossed the school's steps nearly half a century ago.

Location: Main Library, North Conference Room [map]
Price: free
Sponsor: Administration
Contact: Holly Flynn
email pic
phone pic 517-884-0901