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Tue, Dec 10, 2024

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ADVANCE SCREENING: Neighbors  (Special Events)

Here is your LAST chance to cross off "see an advance movie screening at Campus Center Cinemas" off your Spartan Bucket List! Starring Seth Rogan & Zac Efron. A couple with a newborn baby face unexpected difficulties after they are forced to live next to a fraternity house.

Tickets available in the UAB Office (Ground Level, MSU Union). Two tickets per MSU ID. (Please note: Ticket does not guarantee admission. Theatre filled on a first come, first-served

basis. UAB must give out more passes than theatre holds in order to fill theater to capacity based on Movie Studio rules and regulations. This sneak will have a limited number of seats available.)

Expect Movie Poster Giveaways while supplies last.

more information...

Location: Wells Hall [map]
Price: FREE
Sponsor: UAB
Contact: University Activities Board
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