Wednesday, November 19, 2014
3:00pm to 4:00pm
RCAH Center for Poetry Workshop with Jim Minick
(Special Events)
"The Writing of Food: A Farmer's Perspective"
Though less than two percent of our population farms, we all eat, and thus we are all responsible for each bite we put into our mouths. Consider this in a conversation with a farmer who, along with his wife, created one of the first certified-organic, pick-your-own blueberry farms in the mid-Atlantic. Come hungry for good discussion.
Jim Minick is the author of The Blueberry Years, a memoir that won the Best Nonfiction Book of the Year from Southern Independent Booksellers Association. Minick is also the author of two books of poetry: Her Secret Song and Burning Heaven; a collection of essays, Finding a Clear Path; and editor of All There Is to Keep by Rita Riddle. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in many publications, including Oxford American, Shenandoah, Orion, San Francisco Chronicle, Encyclopedia of Appalachia, Conversations with Wendell Berry, The Sun, and Wind. He teaches at Converse College and is the Fred Chappell Fellow and the Fiction Editor of the Greensboro Review at University of North Carolina-Greensboro, where he's pursuing an MFA.
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