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Tue, Jan 21, 2025

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Beyond Masculinity: Testosterone, Sexuality, & Gender/Sex  (Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)

Sari van Anders
University of Michigan

We all know the story: testosterone is intimately tied to masculinity and sexuality. But what happens when data get in the way of a good story? In this talk, I will detail ongoing empirical and theoretical work from my lab on testosterone and sexuality that provides a new way of conceptualizing the evolved social functions of testosterone. Using results that range from experiments to qualitative focus groups, I will describe how testosterone can be uncoupled from behavioral masculinity per se in humans, and linked to other social constructs. I will highlight how social neuroendocrinology provides a way to ask hormonal questions that have evolution and social construction in their answers, and what this means for the ways that gender/sex can and can't be separated.

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Location: C-106 Holmes Hall [map]
Price: free
Sponsor: Lyman Briggs College
Contact: email pic