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2014 Michigan Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference  (Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)

The Michigan "GreenUp" Conference is designed to be a valuable experience for sharing information, networking, and learning. This year's theme is Cultivating Next Generation Solutions. Green chemistry and engineering are about designing, innovating, and manufacturing what's next and developing less hazardous, more effective materials, processes, and products. Green chemistry and engineering can help businesses create new markets, reduce costs, increase safety, and gain a competitive edge. For chemists, engineers, industry executives, educators, students, entrepreneurs, decision makers, policymakers, and anyone interested in innovation and sustainability in Michigan, this conference is the opportunity to hear from leading experts and share solutions to "green up" Michigan through green chemistry and engineering.

Event Highlights
o 6th Annual Michigan Green Chemistry Governor's Award Ceremony
o Keynote Speakers:
o Eric Beckman, University of Pittsburg, Mascaro Center for Sustainable Innovation; Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge award winner
o Bruce Dale, Michigan State University Professor of Chemical Engineering, University Distinguished Professor; MSU AgBioResearch
o Deanna Cullen, chemistry teacher, Whitehall High School, Whitehall, Michigan
o Breakout sessions and panels
o Student Poster Contest with a $500 prize

COST: $100 ($25 for students) - includes conference materials, continental breakfast and lunch

REGISTER NOW at (select "DEQ Workshops")

more information...

Location: MSU Kellogg Center [map]
Price: Students: $25, Public$ 100
Sponsor: public
Contact: Chun Ho Lam
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