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Thu, Mar 6, 2025

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Sharknado  (Movie / Film)

Presented by Dr. Michael Gottfried, Department of Geological Sciences & Dr. Lifeng Luo, Department of Geography
in cooperation with the MSU Museum's Annual Darwin Discovery Day

A freak hurricane hits Los Angeles, resulting in tornados that scoop man-eating sharks out of the ocean and onto the streets and into the homes of some very surprised Angelenos. This tongue-in-cheek and completely over-the-top satire on disaster flicks will be the starting point for a fun and informative discussion of both sharks and extreme weather. Please note that while the film is completely ridiculous from a scientific point of view, and not meant to be taken seriously, it is gruesome and therefore not suitable for younger viewers. Stars Ian Ziering, Tara Reid, John Heard.
Join us on Darwin's birthday for cake!
Examine Shark teeth and skeletal material up close!

Location: Main Library North Conference Room, W449
Price: free
Sponsor: Administration
Contact: Holly Flynn
email pic
phone pic 517-884-0901