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"What's Missing in Middle East Reporting"  (Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)

Presenter: Mark Lavie, former Mideast Associated Press journalist, 1999-2014

For more than forty years, Mr. Lavie reported from Israel, the Palestinian areas, Egypt, and surrounding countries for NPR, NBC, CBS, and the Associated Press. Though mostly based in Israel, Mr. Lavie spent two crucial years in Cairo covering the Arab Spring. After leaving the profession in 2014, embittered and frustrated, he published a book, "Broken Spring," to explain what the West doesn't understand, what the media doesn't report, and why. Co-sponsored by Jewish Student Union, MSU Hillel Center, and the School of Journalism.

Location: RCAH Theater, Snyder Hall C-20 [map]
Price: Free and open to the public.
Sponsor: Jewish Studies
Contact: Jewish Studies
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