Tuesday, February 3, 2015

4:00pm to 5:00pm
"All the Trees of the Forest: The Extraordinary Story of Israel's Woodlands"
(Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)
Presenter: Alon Tal, Ben Gurion University
In an era when deforestation constitutes a paramount global challenge, Israel's woodlands tell an extraordinary story. They carry the scars of past military invaders and conquests. But most of the trees in Israel's forests are contemporary and represent an expression of recent national zeal to restore the woodlands of the Bible, making a harsh climate more hospitable. Drawing on insider anecdotes, the presentation describes how the trial-and-error process evolved that transformed drylands and degraded soils into flourishing parks, rangelands, and renewed ecosystems. The talk is part of a tour of Alon Tal's for his book "All the Trees of the Forest: Israel's Woodlands from the Bible to the Present" (Yale University Press, 2013), presenting the first history of Israel's forest to be published in over forty years.
Co-sponsored with James Madison College; Science, Technology, Environment and Public Policy; and the Department of Forestry as part of their Forestry Hanover Seminar Series.