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Mon, Sep 9, 2024

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Ken Waltzer's Big Bash Retirement Celebration  (Special Events)

James Madison College and the Jewish Studies Program are sponsoring a celebration for Professor Kenneth Waltzer on March 27-28, 2015. After forty-three years teaching at, including seven years leading, James Madison College, and ten years directing MSU's Jewish Studies Program, Ken is retiring. We hope that you can join fellow alumni, faculty, staff and students, as well as Professor Waltzer's family, friends and current and former colleagues as we honor his service, teaching, scholarship, and career. Saturday's events include breakfast and lunch, and morning and afternoon panel discussions focusing on key themes in Professor Waltzer's life and work. An evening reception is followed after dinner with a roast and toast program honoring Professor Waltzer.

Saturday's Program:
9:00am to 10:00am: Lincoln Room - Continental Breakfast
10:15am to 11:45am: Panel #1, Lincoln Room - "Urban America Today"
12:00 to 1:30pm: Lunch - Red Cedar Room - Keynote Speaker: Wallace Jefferson (Urban '85), Attorney and Former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas
1:45 to 3:00pm: Panel #2, Lincoln Room - "Higher Education Today"
3:15 to 4:30pm: Panel #3, Lincoln Room - "History, Memoir, Testimonies, and Human Rights"
6:30 to 10:00pm: Reception (6:30-7:30), Lincoln Room
Dinner and Program, Lincoln Room

Panel and program participants include (more to come):

Yael Aronoff, Pam Aronson, P.J. Cherrin, Phil D'Anieri, Ron Dorr, Sherman Garnett, Dani Gittleman, Henry Greenspan, Constance Hunt, Wallace Jefferson, Beth Kuhn, Paul Long, Angela Lovasco, Jim Mazur, John McMillian, Deborah Meizlish, Alex Moskovic, Glenn Oliver, Marissa Perry, Katie See, Michael Serling, Julie Teicher, Margaret Trimer-Hartley, Carrie Booth Walling, Dayne Walling, Tamara Warren, Adam Wright, June Youatt, Ben Waltzer, Lucas Waltzer, Steve Wieland, Richard Zinman.

Registration deadline: March 11th

To register online go to: and click on the "Mar 27/ 28 Waltzer Celebration" link in the left margin.


A limited number of hotel rooms have been reserved until March 10th at the Kellogg Center, 800-875-5090,and Candlewood Suites at 877-226-3539. Ask for the James Madison College/Ken Waltzer event.

For more information or if you have a memory or story to share, please contact Kim Allan at or 517-353-3381.

To register by mail, indicate the events you wish to attend (see events and prices below), make a check payable to Michigan State University, and mail to: Lori Lancour, James Madison College, Case Hall, 842 Chestnut Rd. Rm 369L, East Lansing MI 48825.

Location: Kellogg Center [map]
Price: Ticket and event prices vary
Sponsor: Jewish Studies
Contact: Jewish Studies
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phone pic (517) 432-3493