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Spartners for Heart Health Program Information Session  (Academic)

Dr. Joseph Carlson of MSU will be providing information on the Spartners for Heart Health Program that will be available to MSUCOM students as a research elective or for TOUCH hours in Fall 2015 & Spring 2016. Students will be fully trained in obtaining blood lipids, blood pressure, anthropometry and acanthosis nigricans screenings for 5th grade students in the Lansing area. The goal of the program is to: 1) improve the 5th grade students' knowledge, attitudes and confidence about nutrition, PA and heart health; 2) increase the number of students achieving national recommendations for PA and nutrition; and 3) increase the number of students with a desirable CVD risk factor status based on national pediatric guidelines.

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Location: EL E105 Fee Hall, DMC TBA, MUC TBA [map]
Price: free
Sponsor: Dr. Joseph Carlson
Contact: McKenna Rubalcaba-Williamson
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