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The r-process nucleosynthesis: connecting FRIB with the cosmos  (Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)

Dear Colleague,

We would like to invite you to register for the program "The r-process nucleosynthesis: connecting FRIB with the cosmos". This three-week program will take place at NSCL/FRIB in East Lansing, MI and is supported by the ICNT and JINA-CEE.

We will discuss many topics related to the r-process with the following general schedule:

•Week one (May 30-June 3, 2016): r-process abundances, observations, abundance patterns, r-process sites, kinds and compositions of ejecta, multiple r-processes, chemical evolution constraints, kilonova, open questions.

•Week two (June 6-10): Intensive Workshop on r-process experiments, experimental capabilities + related theory such as mass models, reaction rate calculations, impact of experiment.

•Week three (June 13-17): astrophysical simulations of supernova winds and neutron star mergers, reaction networks, sensitivity studies.

One goal of this program is to identify promising r-process nuclear experiments at FRIB and other laboratories and discuss the considerable astrophysics, astronomy, and nuclear theory infrastructure necessary to make full use of the experimental results and determine their possible impact. Weeks one and three will have a limited number of talks each morning with plenty of time in the afternoon for both informal and more formal discussion. Week two will have more talks including many on r-process related nuclear experiments. Please note that the above schedule is a general guide. If you cannot make a particular week or weeks, please participate when you can.

Thank you very much and best regards,

Charles Horowitz (Indiana)
Brian Metzger (Columbia)
Gail McLaughlin (NCSU)
Hendrik Schatz (MSU)
Rebecca Surman (Notre Dame)

more information...

Location: Facility for Rare Isotope Beams [map]
Price: Registration - see event website
Sponsor: public
Contact: Elizabeth Deliyski
email pic
phone pic 517-908-7429