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Sun, Feb 16, 2025

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50th Anniversary - Dept of Pharmacology & Toxicology  (Special Events)

MSU Pharmacology & Toxicology is turning 50! Come join us for the party!

Dear alumni, students, staff, and faculty,

I hope that you have heard already but I am delighted to invite you to our exciting 50-year birthday bash.
The MSU Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology was founded in 1966 so we turn 50 this coming fall.
On Friday and Saturday, September 9 and 10, 2016, we will have a gathering in East Lansing to bring together alumni, current students, staff, and faculty (past and present) to reconnect and to celebrate the outstanding achievements of our department and its members and trainees.

Friday afternoon, we will have campus tours and talks by alumni and faculty followed by a gala dinner and musical entertainment.
There is no charge for this event.
Saturday will include a few brief presentations followed by a family-friendly picnic with games and other activities on the lawn by Life Sciences.
There will also be tours of the newly renovated PharmTox labs and core facilities in the Life Sciences building and a visit to the just-opened Bioengineering building next door.

As part of the activities, we will also roll out a digital timeline of the department.
You can get a look back to the old days and see some of the changes that have happened more recently at

We would love to get historical dates, reminiscences, and photos from you all to build up this record of the department.

We sincerely hope that you will join us to rediscover your inner Spartan and to connect with your former colleagues and mentors.
Bring your family and help us celebrate a fantastic 50 years of MSU Pharmacology and Toxicology.

RSVP's: Please register ASAP to let us know if you might be interested in joining us for this awesome 50th event:

Hotel reservations can be made at the East Lansing Marriott (300 M.A.C Ave, East Lansing)

We look forward to celebrating with you.

Rick Neubig
Professor and Chair

more information...

Location: Life Sciences [map]
Price: free
Sponsor: Deptartment of Pharmacology & Toxicology
Contact: Michelle Cooper
email pic
phone pic 517-353-7145