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Mon, Oct 14, 2024

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Ewigleben Symposium - The Future of Contingent Faculty in Higher Education  (Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)

Among the many ongoing debates in U.S. higher education is the growing controversy of employing contingent faculty (part-time, non-tenure track faculty, and/or clinically trained researchers). These faculty are increasing in numbers, resulting in debates including the necessity of such faculty amid funding cutbacks, unionization of faculty labor, and improving work conditions (i.e., pay, benefits, job stability, isolation). This symposium of multiple panels will focus on contingent faculty in higher education from various perspectives including policy, advocacy, research, and practice. Presenters will shed light on the wide range of issues raised in this debate and illuminate available policy levers of opportunity to address issues of equity that are central to the future of contingent faculty.

Confirmed Speakers:
Dr. Gary Rhoades, University of Arizona
Maria C. Maisto, New Faculty Majority Foundation
Ann Coburn-Collins, Saginaw Valley State University
Dr. Rich Manderfield, Michigan State University
Dr. Roger Baldwin, Michigan State University
Dr. Leslie Gonzales, Michigan State University

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Location: MSU University Club
Price: free
Sponsor: public
Contact: Karla Bellingar
email pic
phone pic 517.353.5187