Tuesday, September 6, 2016
2:00pm to 2:50pm
Math Seminar Series
(Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)
Hasse principle for multinorm equations.
Speaker: Eva Bayer Fluckiger, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
This is a joint work with Tingyu Lee and Parimala. A classical result of Hasse states that the norm principle holds for finite cyclic extensions of global fields, in other words local norms are global norms. We investigate the norm principle for finite dimensional commutative 'etale algebras over global fields; since such an algebra is a product of separable extensions, this is often called the multinorm principle. Under the assumption that the 'etale algebra contains a cyclic factor, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the Hasse principle to hold. more information...