Thursday, September 8, 2016

6:00pm to 9:00pm
Spartan Remix
(Student Events)
What is Spartan Remix?
The annual Spartan Remix cultural celebration takes place on the Thursday after labor day at MSU's Auditorium Field. Spartan Remix is an event (unlike its kind) where diverse communities from CORES (Council of Racial and Ethnic Students) and various COPS (Council of Progressive Students) organizations come together in celebration and education of their communities with the larger MSU community. CORES is made up of BSA (Black Student Alliance), APASO (Asian Pacific American Student Organization), NAISO (North American Indigenous Student Organization) and CRU (Culturas de las Razas Unidas) and representing COPS are the Coalition of LBGT (Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Gay and Transgender) Students and ISA (International Student Association). For more information, contact OCAT ( more information...