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SOSA Guest Speaker Bob Verdun  (Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)

Student Osteopathic Surgical Association (SOSA), Student Government Association (SGA), and Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA). Bob Verdun is an Entrepreneur from Detroit Michigan. He is CEO of Computerized Facility Integration, a multimillion dollar company he built from the ground up. Named "Entrepreneur of Detroit" by MGM, Mr. Verdun gives semenars on the importance of marketing oneself, interviewing skills, and networking. All of which holds importance to student doctors applying for residency positions. Please join SOMA, SGA, and SOSA in honoring Mr. Verdun during this special lunch hour motivational event.

*Class of 2020 students scheduled to be in PSL530 Lab 9 or OPC cannot attend this event*

Location: EL E105, DMC G029, MUC UC3 208
Price: free
Sponsor: SOMA, SGA, and SOSA (available to all MSUCOM students)
Contact: Alicia Flores
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phone pic 7347714070