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Wed, Sep 11, 2024

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STEM Teaching Essentials Workshop  (Student Events)

Title: Impact of Undergraduate Research on Faculty Productivity and Career Advancement

Speaker(s): Korine Steinke Wawrzynsk and Justin Micomonaco

Lunch Provided? : Yes!

Abstract: Why do faculty choose to work with undergraduate researchers and can one effectively integrate undergraduates into their own research or scholarship? The MSU Undergraduate Research Office and the Honors College have been examining the impact of mentoring undergraduate researchers on faculty productivity and career advancement. Individual interviews were conducted with faculty representing a variety of academic disciplines (i.e., STEM, social sciences, humanities) and in different stages of their careers (i.e., assistant, associate, and full professors) who had an established record of mentoring undergraduate researchers. The goal is to develop a better understanding of the motivations, barriers, and rewards for faculty members mentoring undergraduate researchers as well as identify best practices and/or viable training models. Through a presentation and large group discussion, the presenters will share preliminary findings and seek feedback for implications on future practice.

Registration link:

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Location: 1425 Biomedical Physical Sciences Building [map]
Price: free
Sponsor: CREATE for STEM Institute
Contact: CREATE for STEM Institute
phone pic 517 432-0816