Thursday, February 16, 2017
11:30am to 1:30pm
STEM Teaching Essentials Workshop
(Student Events)
Title: Learning Narratives from Students of Color in STEM Classrooms
Speaker(s): Danielle Lopez, Kendra Pyle Kanaboshi, Lazarius Miller, and a panel of undergraduate STEM students
Lunch Provided? : Yes!
Results from the recent student climate survey and research on the benefits of an inclusive classroom suggest that hidden bias, microaggressions, and discrimination have a large impact on student success. This workshop will feature a facilitated discussion on the how to create an inclusive classroom, based on actual MSU student experiences. A panel of undergraduate STEM students from minoritized groups will share their stories from MSU classrooms and give feedback on specific strategies to create an inclusive and welcoming classroom environment so that all students can be more successful.
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