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Mon, Oct 7, 2024

MSU Events Calendar

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Gender Write-In (monthly)  (Academic)

Do you struggle to find the time to prioritize writing in your schedule? Come write in solidarity with fellow gender scholars in a space set aside for this purpose the first Friday of every month from 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. in room 201, International Center!

(Note: the March Write-In's date is changed due to Spring Break)

The Center for Gender in Global Context (GenCen) will provide a quiet space for faculty, staff and students to escape from distractions and work on their scholarship. If you struggle to find space in your calendar to prioritize your writing, consider this time as required attendance! Participants will need to provide their own laptop and other working supplies. GenCen will provide brain fuel (light snacks) and an open, welcoming environment!

more information...

Location: 201 International Center
Price: free
Sponsor: Center for Gender in Global Context
Contact: Center for Gender in Global Context
email pic
phone pic 517-353-5040