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Washington update: How will the new administration impact international education?  (Special Events)

The Office of Study Abroad will be hosting Ilir Zherka from the Alliance for International Exchange. His presentation will discuss the new presidential administration and the impact it might have on international exchange programs.

Ilir Zherka joined the Alliance for International Exchange as executive director in early 2016. Ilir is a life-long human and civil rights leader. He has served as the executive director of three other organizations helping to end ethnic cleansing in Kosova, advance D.C. representation in Congress and increase civic engagement. Ilir gained political experience working in the Bill Clinton Administration. He also worked on Capitol Hill and served as an advisor to four Democratic presidential campaigns.

Ilir is the author of "Winning the Inside Game: the Handbook of Advocacy Strategies." He has testified before Congress and has appeared on a wide-range of television and radio news programs. As a recognized community leader, Ilir has received numerous awards including the Whitney M. Young Jr. Leadership Award and the John F. Kennedy Public Service Award.

Ilir has personal experience with exchange programs. He was an IREX fellow in Albania after law school and helped to create the Hope Fellowship program.

Location: 303 International Center [map]
Price: free
Sponsor: public
Contact: Cheryl Benner
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phone pic 432-5166