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Robust Babies: Histories of Breastfeeding and Industrial Labor in the mid-20th Century Brazil  (Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)

Victoria Langland holds a joint position in History and Romance Languages and Literatures and is currently serving as the director of the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at the University of Michigan.  She specializes in twentieth-century Latin American history, especially the Southern Cone, and writes about dictatorships, gender, the uses of memory, student and other social movements, and, more generally, the intersections of culture and power. She is the author of "Speaking of Flowers: Student Movements and the Making and Remembering of 1968 in Military Brazil" (Duke University Press, 2013) and the co-editor of Monumentos, Memoriales y Marcas Territoriales (Siglo XXI, 2003). 

Langland's current research project is a history of breastfeeding in Brazil that looks at how cultural understandings, public policies, formula marketing and other factors have transformed popular beliefs and practices about infant nutrition and women's bodies over time.  Before coming to the University of Michigan, she was on the faculty at the University of California, Davis and at Lafayette College.

Location: 201 International Center
Price: Free
Sponsor: MSU Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Contact: email pic
phone pic 517-353-1690