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Eye on Africa with Sarah Evans and Robert Logan: The microbial ecology of Namibia's Namib Desert  (Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)

About the Presentation

Sarah and Robert will discuss their work in Namibia which examines how microorganisms survive and drive ecosystems in very very dry areas. We discuss our findings and share field adventures from the last two years working in one of the driest and oldest deserts in the world.

About the Speakers

Sarah Evans is an assistant professor at Kellogg Biological Station and the Department of Integrative Biology, Michigan State University. She is a microbial and ecosystem ecologist and her lab examines how climate change affects soils, microorganisms, and agriculture. She became interested in ecology, and especially in water as a limiting resource, while teaching environmental education in Namibia, which Robert Logan would go on to do as well. Logan is a graduate student at KBS and received his bachelor's degree at Grinnell College. He is interested in understanding how microorganisms influence global processes like climate change.

Location: Room 201, International Center
Price: Free
Sponsor: African Studies Center
Contact: Ann Biersteker
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