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Visiting International Professional Program Signature Lecture: Patrick Lindemann  (Academic)

Re-inventing and redefining infrastructure to be a tool of environmental protection, Drain Commissioner Patrick E. Lindemann will use this lecture to show how he thinks outside the box to build innovative projects that protect people and property while cleaning stormwater.

Patrick E. Lindemann holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Resource Development from Michigan State University. He is currently the Ingham County Drain Commissioner, an office he has held since 1993. In his 24 years in office, he has supervised the construction and maintenance of millions of dollars of drain improvements that have opened the way for hundreds of millions of dollars of new economic growth.
Lindemann is known globally for implementing innovative water management projects. He is a champion of Low Impact Design solutions that manage storm water at its source, using naturalized systems that reduce flooding and absorb pollutants rather than pushing them downstream. Many of his projects have achieved award-winning attention, including pioneering the Tollgate Drain - a series of wetlands, streams, weirs, and ponds that were constructed to solve a combined sewer overflow and flooding problem, while also removing pollutants there by improving the health of the Red Cedar River. His designs have saved millions of dollars while improving the overall health of our environment. Clean Water Action named Lindemann Hero of the Great Lakes in 2007.

Location: International Center Room 303
Price: Free
Contact: VIPP