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Fri, Dec 13, 2024

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"Using Big Data to Measure Educational Opportunity and Inequality"  (Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)

Sean Reardon, the Endowed Professor of Poverty and Inequality in Education at Stanford University, is the Education Policy Innovation Collaborative Distinguished Speaker. In this talk, Reardon describes the construction and use of a population-level data set (the Stanford Education Data Archive, or SEDA) based on 300 million tests taken by public school students from 2009-2015. Using these data, Reardon will describe the patterns and correlates of academic performance and racial/ethnic achievement gaps at an unprecedented level of detail, with a particular focus on the role of socioeconomic context and segregation patterns in shaping opportunity. These data reveal a great deal about patterns of educational opportunity in the United States.

Location: Room 252, Erickson Hall [map]
Price: Free w/reservation
Sponsor: public
Contact: Valerie von Frank
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