Friday, September 28, 2018
All day
Year of Global Africa: Campus Activism for Justice, from Southern Africa to Michigan
(Special Events)
In commemoration of the 40th anniversary of Michigan State University's decision to divest from companies doing business with apartheid South Africa, MSU is holding a conference on September 27 and 28 on "Campus Activism for Justice, from Southern Africa to Michigan."
Speakers from both South Africa and the United States will look back at the campaigns for justice which led to the successful MSU Board of Trustees decision to divest (resulting in MSU becoming the first university in the nation to completely divest and the subsequent State of Michigan passing more sanctions on South Africa than any other state).
Registration is strongly encouraged.
Please follow this link to register:
or visit the website
Friday, September 28, 2018 - All day conference, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Location: Green Room
(Main Library: 4 West)