Thursday, October 11, 2018
12:00pm to 1:30pm
Year of Global Africa: Eye on Africa - Cheikh Babou,
(Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)
About the Speaker:
Cheikh A. Babou holds a Ph.D. in African History from Michigan State University. He joined the faculty of the history department of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia in 2002. Babou teaches African history and the history of Islam in Africa. His research focuses on mystical Islam in West Africa and Senegal and on Senegalese international migration. Professor Babou has published extensively on the Muridiyya Muslim order of Senegal. His book, "Fighting the Greater Jihad: Amadu Bamba and the Founding of the Muridiyya of Senegal, 1853-1913" was published by Ohio University Press in 2007. A French version was released by Karthala under the title Le Jihad de l'âme: Amadou Bamba et la foundation de la Mouridiyya (1853-1913) in 2011.