Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The 3M Interest Group
The Metabolism, Membranes, and Metalloenzymology, the (3M) Interest Group, serves as a forum for graduate students, postdocs and faculty to obtain feedback on their 3M-related projects and/or to highlight exciting recent publications in this area. Everyone is welcome!
September 5 Parent Sundharraman Subramanian Functional Regulators of Flagellar Rotation in Bacillus subtilis
September 19 Hausinger Joel Rankin Elucidating the Mechanisms of Lactate Racemase and Nickel Pincer Cofactor Synthesis
October 3 TBD TBD TBD
October 17 Burton Zach Burton Evolution of cloverleaf tRNA and sectoring of the genetic code
October 31 TerAvest Kody Duhl TBD
November 14 Lunt Lei Yu Pyruvate Kinase Expression in Pancreatic Cancer
November 28 Kroos Daniel Parrell TBD
December 12 more information...