Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Behavior Seminar
(Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)
Seminar hosted by MSU's Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Behavior Program.
Nathan Sanders
September 13, 2018
Nathan Sanders, Environmental Program, University of Vermont
"Using m2 plots, mechanistic experiments and macroecological models to understand biodiversity in a warming world"
3:30 p.m., 1420 BPS (Biomedical Physical Sciences)
Contact: Christopher Warneke
Nathan Sanders
September 14, 2018
Nathan Sanders, Environmental Program, University of Vermont
"Experimental macroecology: A field in need of experiments and ecology"
10:45 a.m., Stack 237
Contact: Nick Haddad
Steven Gray
September 20, 2018
Steven Gray, EEBB DIstinguished Student Speaker
Advisor: Gary Roloff
"Spatial Ecology and Behavior of Wild Pigs in Michigan"
3:30 p.m., 1420 BPS (Biomedical Physical Sciences)
Sarah Saunders
September 27, 2018
Sarah Saunders, Quantitative Ecologist, Audubon Society
"Careers Outside of Academia"
3:30 p.m., 1420 BPS (Biomedical Physical Sciences)
Contact: Elise Zipkin
Emily Henry
September 27, 2018
Emily Henry, Assistant Director of Program Development
Office of Professional and Continuing Education
"Careers Outside of Academia"
Oregon State University
3:30 p.m., 1420 BPS (Biomedical Physical Sciences)
Contact: Kendra Cheruvelil
Eileen Hebets
October 4, 2018
Eileen Hebets, Biological Sciences, University Nebraska-Lincoln
"Sensory systems, learning, and communication - insights from the enigmatic world of arachnids"
3:30 p.m., 1420 BPS (Biomedical Physical Science)
Contact: Kenna Lehmann
Karen Maruska
October 11, 2018
Karen Maruska, Biological Sciences, Louisiana State University
"Multisensory communication in an African cichlid fish"
3:30 p.m., 1420 BPS (Biomedical Physical Science)
Contact: Heather Eisthen
Sarah Converse
October 18, 2018
Sarah Converse, USGS Fish and Wildlife Research, University of Washington
"Reintroduction biology: directions in science and conservation management"
3:30 p.m., 1420 BPS (Biomedical Physical Science)
Contact: Elise Zipkin/Gary Roloff
Terri Williams
October 25, 2018
Terri Williams, Biology, Trinity College
"Adding segments one by one: a tale of posterior elongation in arthropods"
3:30 p.m., 1420 BPS (Biomedical Physical Science)
Contact: Savvas Constantinau
Jonathan Pruitt
November 1, 2018
Jonathan Pruitt, Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology
University of California-Santa Barbara
"Keystone Individuals in Animal Societies: Some Pros and Cons"
3:30 p.m., 1420 BPS (Biomedical Physical Science)
Contact: Helen McCreary
Mark Christie
November 8, 2018
Mark Christie, Biological Sciences, Purdue University
"Rapid evolution in a changing world"
3:30 p.m., 1420 BPS (Biomedical Physical Science)
Contact: Kim Scribner
Andrew Whitehead
November 15, 2018
Andrew Whitehead, Biological Sciences, Purdue University
"When evolution is the solution to pollution: The genomic basis of rapid adaptation to extreme environmental change"
3:30 p.m., 1420 BPS (Biomedical Physical Science)
Contact: Andrew Thompson
Charles Derby
November 29, 2018
Charles Derby, Neurobiology and Biology, Georgia State University
"Escape by inking: Marine molluscs avoid predators with diverse chemicals and mechanisms"
3:30 p.m., 1420 BPS (Biomedical Physical Science)
Contact: Taylor Rupp
Leslie Ries
December 6, 2018
Leslie Ries, Biology, Georgetown University
"Modeling butterfly phenology and phenological mismatch is an increasingly warming world"
3:30 p.m., 1420 BPS (Biomedical Physical Science)
Contact: Elise Zipkin
Leslie Ries
December 7, 2018
Leslie Ries, Biology, Georgetown University
"Butterfly thermal ecology: A framework for predicting responses to climate change"
10:45 a.m., 237 Stack
Contact: Nick Haddad more information...