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Eye on Africa: Albie Sachs  (Academic)

Talk Title: Same Sex Marriage In The Constitutional Court of South And The U.S. Supreme Court**
About the Speaker:

On turning six, during World War II, Albie Sachs received a card from his father expressing the wish that he would grow up to be a soldier in the fight for liberation. And so he did. In May of 2018, Judge Sachs was awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Law from MSU College of Law. In between, he has had a remarkable life and career.

Many of his best-known judgments cross a variety of areas of law: fighting against discrimination, providing HIV-positive pregnant women with drugs to reduce the risk of transmission to their newborn babies, setting labor laws in place, helping to overthrow South Africa's statute defining marriage as between one man and one woman, all with the common theme of the promotion of an individual's right to equality and dignity.

He has been heavily engaged in the fields of art and architecture, playing an active role in the development of the Constitutional Court building and its art collection on the site of the Old Fort Prison in Johannesburg. In addition to his work on the Court, he has traveled to many countries sharing South African experience in healing divided societies. He is currently engaged in writing a series of four books on the writing of the South African Constitution and Bill of Rights with his co-author, noted South African historian, Dr. Andre Odendaal.
**This special Eye on Africa is part of a unique 1-credit course offered during the first 3 weeks of Spring semester January 2019 co-sponsored by MSU African Studies and MSU Law College. To enroll: MSU Graduate Students & MSU Honor Students go online and search for LWG 849C: Special Topics in Comp Law, section 001, section ID 97MZXR, 1 credit, pass/no grade [MSU Honor Students may be asked to get an 'over-ride' from the Graduate School]; MSU Law Students go online and search for

LAW 549C: Special Topics in Comp Law, section 001, section ID 97MZXN, 1 credit, pass/fail

more information...

Location: Room 303, International Center
Sponsor: African Studies Center
Contact: Liz Timbs
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