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Hungarian (beginners)  (Public Programs)

Our Hungarian course is designed for those busy adults who have had no or little previous instruction in Hungarian and for those who wish to brush up on their speaking skills. It is ideal for anyone traveling to Hungary and would like practical communication skills to carry on a basic conversation at an airport, hotel, train station or a restaurant.

Advance your practical communication skills with our experienced language instructors, interact with other like-minded people in class and learn about the nuances of how to navigate a different culture. Experience the joy of being back on campus through this enriching opportunity that will help you keep your brain fit and stay sharp intellectually. Our small group sizes and supplemental online resources provide hands-on learning experiences for individuals with prior foreign language knowledge.

Enrollment is limited. Classes will be canceled if fewer than eight people register. All classes meet in Wells Hall.

Hungarian for Adults meets on Tuesdays 7-9 p.m., starting Feb. 12 and running for nine weeks through April 16, 2019. Classes will not meet during MSU's spring break (March 4-8).

This course targets beginners and advanced beginners with no/little/some prior experience in the target language.

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Location: Wells Hall
Sponsor: public
Contact: CeLTA Language School
email pic
phone pic (517) 355-7587