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Thu, Jan 23, 2025

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Pablo Sender: Meditation as a Means for Self-Transformation  (Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)

Dr. Pablo Sender has a degree in microbiology and a doctorate in biological sciences. Dr. Sender is one of the world's leading theosophical scholars. As an international speaker, he has presented programs and retreats in India, Europe, Oceania, and the three Americas. His articles are published in theosophical journals throughout the world, and he is the author of books in English and Spanish. His latest book is "The Evolution of the Higher Consciousness."
Meditation and the Higher Consciousness (3 - 4 p.m.)

Meditation is a practice with the potential to affect us on the physical, psychological, and spiritual levels. Simple techniques can produce relatively quick physical and psychological effects, such as releasing stress or improving our attention span and power of concentration. However, meditation can be much more than that. In this talk, we will explore how meditation can help us become aware of our spiritual nature, which is the source of peace and harmony.
Blavatsky's Diagram of Meditation (5 - 6 p.m.)

H. P. Blavatsky was a co-founder of the Theosophical Society, and a pioneer in blending Eastern and Western spirituality. In the late 1880s, she gave her students a diagram of meditation meant to encourage a process of spiritual transformation from the limited perception of our ego (or personal self) to that of the divine self. The diagram offers a comprehensible approach that is not limited to instructions for sitting meditation, but also includes a set of attitudes to be practiced during daily life.
Sponsored by the Asian Studies Center, Anshu Varna, Center for Gender in Global Context (GenCen)

Location: 115 International Center
Price: Free
Sponsor: Asian Studies Center, Anshu Varna, Center for Gender in Global Context (GenCen)
Contact: Asian Studies Center