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Fri, Feb 14, 2025

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Bridging the Gap: Understanding the Schisms between African and African-American Students  (Student Events)

The schisms and often conflict between continental African and African-Americans (as well as Afro-Caribbeans) are an ill-kept secret. Despite MSU's proud history of Africanist scholarship, robust Black American student activism and an undeniable overlap in the historic marginalization of both groups, these schisms are still overwhelmingly present. This often manifests in Africans distancing themselves from such matters of primary concern to the African-American community (police brutality, historic oppression, etc.) while the African-American community has largely been invisible in African centered spaces - including in the Year of Global Africa (despite attempts to reach out).

  Where do these schisms come from? What can we as scholars, activists and global citizens do to not only remedy these schisms, but to forge ahead in mutually beneficial solidarity? 

  This conversation will take the form of a 5-6 person panel in which there will be student representatives from student organizations centered on African/African descendant populations. The event will be in collaboration with the African Graduate Student Association, Black Graduate Student Association, Black Student Alliance and the African Student Union. The event is also supported in part by a Year of Global Africa mini-grant provided by the African Studies Center. 

Location: Room 303 International Center
Price: Free
Contact: Shingi Mavima
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