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Schrodinger's Cat is in Town  (Public Programs)

What does chaos look like? Makers, physicists and the community are invited to come together to explore this and other physics phenomena through art. Work collaboratively with postdoctoral student Dena Izadi and assistant professor Mohammad Maghrebi from the Physics Education Research Lab to create visual representations of complex scientific concepts in an effort to better understand our world. Registration for this event is encouraged, but not required.

Schrodinger's Cat is in Town is part of the Community Open Call, an experimental platform that invites the community to become a central figure in the planning process for the arts and cultural programming offered at the MSU Broad Art Lab. This initiative is supported by the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs.

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Location: MSU Broad Art Lab
Price: free with registration encouraged
Sponsor: public
Contact: MSU Broad
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phone pic (517) 884-4800