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Fri, Jan 24, 2025

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Book Discussion: Passing Illusions by Kerry Wallach  (Public Programs)

Dr. Kerry Wallach, associate professor and chair of the Department of German Studies at Gettysburg College, will lead a discussion of her book, "Passing Illusions," which examines constructions of German-Jewish visibility, as well as instances in the 1920s and early 1930s when it was concealed, revealed, or contested. Weimar Germany (1919-1933) was an era of equal rights for women and minorities, but also of growing antisemitism and hostility toward the Jewish population. This led some Jews to want to pass or be perceived as non-Jews; yet there were still occasions when it was beneficial to be openly Jewish. Being visible as a Jew often involved appearing simultaneously non-Jewish and Jewish. "Passing Illusions" examines constructions and controversial aspects of German-Jewish visibility during the Weimar Republic, as well as the complex reasons many decided to conceal or reveal themselves as Jewish.
Lunch will be provided at the discussion.

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Location: B-342 Wells Hall
Price: free
Sponsor: public
Contact: Yael Aronoff
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phone pic 517-432-3493