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Evgenia Sendova - Fostering the art of scientific discovery in gifted children  (Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)

This talk will be a patchwork of personal stories highlighting the speaker's constructionist teaching experiences, going back to her roots in Bulgaria and supplemented by an over 20-year involvement with two institutions helping gifted high-school students engage in scientific research. The first is the Research Science Institute, organized by the Center for Excellence in Education, in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The second is the High School Institute of Mathematics and Informatics in Bulgaria.


Evgenia Sendova

Evgenia Sendova (known to her friends and students as Jenny) is a researcher in mathematics and informatics education, and she is currently an associate member of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Her research includes the development of computer microworlds and models for integrating learning and creative processes. Sendova's main professional interest is in using informatics and information technology for teaching mathematics, languages, music, science, and arts, especially in the context of gifted education.

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Location: 1300 FRIB Laboratory
Price: free
Sponsor: public
Contact: Karen King
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