3:00pm to 3:50pm
Math Seminar Series
(Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)
Analysis and PDE
Speaker: Giulio Tralli
Title: From Gaussian bounds to Wiener-type criteria for parabolic equations
In this talk we discuss the regularity of boundary points for the Dirichlet problem related to a class of linear (possibly degenerate) parabolic equations. We show the validity of Wiener-type criteria for hypoelliptic operators with a fundamental solution satisfying two-sided Gaussian bounds with respect to some reference distance. The Wiener condition is expressed, in analogy with a result by Landis for the heat equation, in terms of a series of balayages. As an application, we present sharp sufficient conditions of regularity for a model class of Hormander operators enjoying suitable homogeneity properties. This is a joint work with F. Uguzzoni. more information...