
4:00pm to 5:00pm
Math Seminar Series
(Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)
AMS Student Chapter
Speaker: Elizabeth Munch, MSU
Title: Drawing Time-Varying Reeb Graphs
Given a real-valued function on a topological space, the Reeb graph encodes the changing component structure of the level sets; this graph also inherits a real-valued function from this setup. The Reeb graph is utilized in a variety of computational topology and topological data analysis applications in order to get a lower dimension representation of a structure which maintains topological properties of the original data. Its applications appear in a wide range of research domains, however, to date these applications are generally limited to the computation of a Reeb graph from a single, stagnant space. We are interested in developing theoretically motivated and robust visualizations for time-varying Reeb graphs. more information...