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"Keeping the Door Open to Israeli-Palestinian Peace"  (Public Programs)

Ghaith al-Omari
"Small Steps Towards a
Big Goal: Preserving the Two-State Solution in Times of Profound Change"
Ghaith al-Omari, Esq. argues that the Two-State Solution remains the only option for resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in a way that meets both people's national aspirations. The talk will examine ways to preserve the future viability of a two-state solution.

Daniel C. Kurtzer
"Top-Down, Bottom-Up, Inside-Out, Outside-In: Which Way to Israeli-Palestinian peace?"
The old formula for trying to achieve peace between Israel and the Palestinians has not worked, and consideration is now being given to new, single-focus paradigms. There is a need for a comprehensive, multi-layered approach, driven by determined leaders.

David Makovsky
"Bridge or Bypass Road? How Do Peace Moves between Arab States and Israel Challenge the Way We Think about the Palestinian Issue?"
The Arab Peace Initiative of 2003 was predicated on the view that the best way to provide leverage to the Palestinians was to forestall Arab-Israel peacemaking until after Palestinian demands had been met. Yet, the shifting sands in the Middle East where countries are concerned about destabilization have caused a rethink of the classic paradigm. Can the Emirati-Israeli diplomatic breakthrough change the approach and lead to better results in the Israeli-Palestinian arena?

Dr. Saliba Sarsar
"Finding Common Ground to Move Toward Peace"
Israelis and Palestinians have no choice but to keep the door open to peace. The path - our path - will remain challenged and challenging unless we overcome our fear of the other, our fear of the unknown that seems to dominate the best of us. Our obsession with power, resources, and retaliation has taken hold of our soul and twisted our being. Peace is born by preparing for it. The responsibility and credit for peace rest with all of us.

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Location: Zoom
Price: free
Sponsor: public
Contact: Jewish Studies
email pic jewishst@MSU.EDU