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Math Seminar Series  (Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)


John Lesieutre from Penn State University will be speaking.

The topic of the colloquium is "Polynomial interpolation is harder than it sounds."

This colloquium takes place online.

The description is:
Suppose that (x1,y1),...,(xr,yr) is a set of points in the plane. Given a degree
d and multiplicities mi, does there a nonzero polynomial in two variables of degree at most d which vanishes to order at least mi at(xi,yi)? What is the dimension of the space of such polynomials, and how does it vary with the parameters? I will explain some of the basic results and conjectures and show how this problem is connected to some questions of current interest in algebraic geometry.

more information...

Location: Zoom link provided on Math Seminars page [map]
Price: free
Sponsor: Department of Mathematics
Contact: Department of Mathematics
phone pic (517) 353-0844