Thursday, November 5, 2020
3:00pm to 3:50pm
Math Seminar Series
(Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)
Combinatorics and Graph Theory
Thomas McConville from Kennesaw State University will be speaking.
The presentation is titled "The non-revisiting chain property for grid associahedra."
Contact Bruce E Sagan ( for more information.
A grid associahedron is a simple polytope whose faces correspond to nonkissing collections of routes inside a grid graph. The usual associahedron arises as a special case when the graph is a 2 by n rectangle. Other examples of grid associahedra have been considered in connection with combinatorial properties of Grassmannians and with the representation theory of gentle algebras. The 1-skeleton of the grid associahedron has a natural orientation that induces the grid-Tamari order, a poset with many remarkable properties. I will present a new construction of the grid associahedron as a Minkowski sum of order polytopes of fence posets. Using this construction, I will show that the grid-Tamari order has the non-revisiting chain property. This is based on joint work with Alexander Garver. more information...
Location: |
Zoom link provided on Math Seminars page [map] |
Price: |
free |
Sponsor: |
Department of Mathematics |
Contact: |
Department of Mathematics (517) 353-0844 |