Wednesday, November 11, 2020
National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory Seminar
(Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)
Keith Olive from University of Minnesota will be speaking.
The semniar is titled "Big Bang Nucleosynthesis - Post Planck."
The abstract is as follows:
Big bang nucleosynthesis provides a window to the physics of the universe just seconds after the big bang. It predictions of the light element abundances of D, He-4, and Li-7 can be compared with observational determinations. Over the last several years, significant progress has been made in the determinations of deuterium and helium abundances and most importantly results from Planck measurements of the microwave background have provided precise values for the baryon density of the universe, a key input used in abundance predictions. Planck data is combined with BBN to test the consistency of the Standard Model. These predictions are also sensitive to the conditions when the temperature of the universe was ~ 1 MeV or ~ 10^10 K. Using inputs from the standard model of cosmology and particle physics yields excellent agreement between theory and experiment. Thus deviations from the standard model such as the number of particle degrees of freedom (often parametrized as the number of neutrino flavors) can be tested. more information...