Thursday, November 19, 2020

National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory Seminar
(Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)
Speaker name: Ruben de Groote and Jacek Dobaczewski
Speaker Institution: University of Jyvaskyla; University of Warsaw and University of York
Title: The magnetic octupole moment of 45Sc
Abstract: We have recently measured the nuclear magnetic octupole moment of 45Sc. With a single valence proton outside of a magic calcium core, this isotope is ideally suited for an in-depth study of the many intriguing nuclear structure phenomena observed within the neighboring isotopes of calcium. We compare the nuclear magnetic octupole moment to shell-model calculations, and find that they cannot reproduce the experimental value of the nuclear magnetic octupole moment for scandium-45. We furthermore explore the use of Density Functional Theory for evaluating the nuclear magnetic octupole moment, and obtain values in line with the shell-model calculations. This work provides a crucial step in guiding future measurements of this fundamental quantity on radioactive scandium isotopes and will hopefully motivate a renewed experimental and theoretical interest. more information...