
National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory Seminar
(Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)
Xilin Zhang from The Ohio State University will be speaking.
The seminar is titled "Ab initio nuclear scattering and reaction calculation and its synergy with experiments."
Abstract: One central paradigm in contemporary nuclear theory is to predict nuclear phenomena starting from nucleon interactions rooted in quantum chromodynamics. An array of many-body methods, combined with growing computational capabilities, have pushed such structure calculations to compute medium-mass nuclei. However, the calculations for scattering and reactions are much more limited, and their synergy with experimental measurements has rarely been discussed. A method that works for heavier nuclei and can efficiently incorporate outside information will be valuable for nuclear astrophysics and the coming FRIB program. In this talk, I will present my research program on developing such a method by using a computer-experiment strategy. I will highlight recent encouraging results on neutron-alpha and neutron--Oxygen-24 scattering. I will then discuss two essential components of the method: cluster-level theories and data analysis tools, their applications within and outside my ab initio method, and their ongoing developments in my research. They will demonstrate the organic synergy of the ab initio calculations and experimental measurements and point out future steps to generalize the ab initio method for reactions and three-cluster systems.
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