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Today is:
Thu, Jan 16, 2025

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National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory Seminar  (Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)

Heiko Hergert from Michigan State University will be speaking.

The presentation is titled "A New Generation of Many-Body Methods for Nuclear Structure."

Abstract: Nowadays, computationally efficient many-body methods can be used to perform first-principles calculations for atomic nuclei up to mass A~150. This progress has made it possible to confront modern two- and three-nucleon interactions from Chiral Effective Field Theory with a wealth of experimental data, and provide important guidance in their ongoing refinement. In my talk, I will focus on one such many-body approach, the In-Medium Similarity Renormalization Group (IMSRG). The IMSRG not only offers a means to directly compute certain nuclear properties, but also provides a powerful framework for designing "hybrid" methods that allow us to tackle nuclei with strong collective correlations, e.g., due to intrinsic deformation. I will present IMSRG applications to the first-principles description of (doubly) open-shell nuclei, including candidate nuclei for fundamental symmetry tests. I will also give an overview of new developments that promise to once again increase the capabilities of the IMSRG and related nuclear structure methods in the coming years.

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Location: Online via Zoom [map]
Price: free
Sponsor: National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory
Contact: National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory
email pic
phone pic 517-355-9671