Tuesday, February 9, 2021

2:50pm to 3:40pm
Math Seminar Series
(Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)
Geometry and Topology
Irving Dai, MIT, will be speaking on Lattice homology and instantons
Contact Honghao Gao (gaohongh@msu.edu) for more information and the meeting link.
We show that if Y is the boundary of an almost-rational plumbing, then the framed instanton Floer homology of Y is isomorphic to its Heegaard Floer homology. This class of 3-manifolds includes all Seifert fibered rational homology spheres. Our proof utilizes lattice homology, and relies on a decomposition theorem for instanton Floer cobordism maps established by John Baldwin and Steven Sivek. This is joint work with Antonio Alfieri, John Baldwin, and Steven Sivek. more information...