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The Medici Ensemble: A Musical Conversation  (Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...))

A veteran of the early music scene and three rising stars explore Baroque chamber music as a conversation between musicians and the audience. The program includes virtuoso solo and chamber repertoire from France, Scotland, and Germany, and features works by Rameau, Telemann, Tobias Hume, Johann Schop, and Jean-Baptiste Quentin.
Artists: Michael Lynn, flute and recorder; Alan Choo, baroque violin; Ruby Brallier, viola da gamba; Mark Edwards, harpsichord.

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Location: Fairchild Theatre
Price: Adult: $17, Senior: $15, Student: $7, ADA Adult: $17, ADA Senior: $15, ADA Student: $7
Sponsor: College of Music
Contact: Jayar Brenner
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