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Workshop on Uzbek Literary Politics in the Context of American scholars: Analyse, Interpretation, an  (Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)

Twentieth century Uzbek literature exhibits both a national revival by the Jadid (Reformist) writers and the ideological struggle's discourse of the Soviet government in the 1920's and 1930's. After the elimination of the Jadid writers in the second half of 1930, when the Soviet literary policy started to dominate Uzbek literary activities, it forced the writers to produce more allusive and metaphorical literature in order to escape the state censorship. The literary works which articulated such ideas have been studied not only by Uzbek but by foreign, including American scholars.
How did they approach Uzbek Literary Politics? Were American researchers' objective in their findings? Why did Uzbek scholars call them "ideological enemies"? What has changed in American scholars' research after the post-colonial period? What is modern Uzbek criticism saying about foreign scholars research concerning National Literary Politics now? These and other questions will be discussed in the workshop.

Speaker: Dr. Zulkhumor Inomovna Mirzaeva
Toshkent Alisher Navoi Uzbek Language and Literature University FEP Visiting Scholar at University of Arkansas
Moderator: Prof. Norman Graham

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Location: 302 International Center [map]
Price: free
Sponsor: public
Contact: Timur Kocoaglu
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